๐Ÿ“ Members' resolution

About this category

A members' resolution is a resolution that is passed by the members of a company in accordance with the company's articles of association. The resolution may cover any matter that is within the powers of the members as set out in the articles of association.

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๐Ÿ“ Members' resolution


Member's Resolution For Guaranteed Employment Period For Director's In Excess of Two Years

This legal template focuses on a Member's Resolution for Guaranteed Employment Period for Directors in Excess of Two Years, specifically under UK law. In corporate governance, directors play a crucial role in managing and overseeing the affairs of a company. However, it is not uncommon for directors' employment periods to be limited to two years or less, providing flexibility to the company.

This legal template proposes a resolution that seeks to ensure a guaranteed employment period for directors longer than two years in compliance with UK law. It addresses the concerns of both the company and its directors, providing stability and security. The template could outline the specific terms and conditions for implementing such a resolution, including the eligibility criteria to be met, the duration of the extended guaranteed employment period, and any necessary performance reviews or evaluations.

This document is relevant in cases where a company wishes to attract and retain top-level executive talent by offering extended job security. It may be used during company meetings or as part of the official documentation required to approve an employment contract or agreement with a director. By discussing and adopting this resolution, the company can assure qualified directors of a defined employment period beyond the initial two years, ultimately benefiting the company's management and operations.
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Approve director's term

The most common reason for wanting to approve a director's term is to ensure that the person is qualified to serve on the board and that they have the necessary skills and experience. This can be especially important when the company is going through a period of change or when there are concerns about the direction the company is going in. Another reason for approving a director's term is to show support for the individual and to demonstrate confidence in their ability to lead the company.