🖋️ Employee liability notification

About this category

An employee liability notification is a notice that an employee is required to provide to their employer which alerts the employer to any potential legal liability the employee may have. The notification allows the employer to investigate the matter and decide if the employee should be terminated.

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🖋️ Employee liability notification


TUPE ELI (Employee Liability Information Notification Letter)

The TUPE ELI (Employee Liability Information Notification Letter) is a legal template specifically designed to facilitate compliance with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) in the United Kingdom. This template serves as a formal notification letter that employers should send to employees when a transfer or change of ownership occurs within their organization.

Under UK law, TUPE regulations aim to safeguard employees' rights and maintain their terms and conditions of employment when a business or a part of it is transferred to a new owner. This legislative framework ensures that employees' jobs are secure, and their employment rights and benefits are preserved during and after the transfer.

The TUPE ELI template assists employers in fulfilling their legal obligation to provide employees with relevant, accurate, and timely information regarding the transfer or change in ownership. This letter notifies employees about the transfer and its implications concerning their employment, rights, and benefits. It may include vital details such as the date of the transfer, reasons behind the transfer, the legal, economic, and social implications, any changes to the employee's terms or conditions of employment, and any measures proposed by the new employer.

By using this template, employers can ensure that they comply with TUPE regulations and demonstrate transparency and fairness during the transfer process. This document can help employers foster open communication, address any concerns employees may have, and maintain healthy employer-employee relationships amidst periods of change.
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Provide employee liability information

is used to warn employees of their potential liability in the event that they engage in activities that could put the company at risk. This notification can help protect the company from legal action and financial damages.