⚖️ Dispute adjudication notice

About this category

A dispute adjudication notice is a formal notice issued by a party to a construction contract, typically by the contractor to the employer, seeking adjudication of a dispute arising under the contract. The notice must comply with the requirements of the relevant adjudication legislation and set out the grounds for the adjudication claim. The notice will also identify the adjudicator who has been appointed to hear the dispute.

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⚖️ Dispute adjudication notice


Refer A Construction Contract Dispute To Adjudication (Notice Of Intention)

This legal template refers to a document that serves as a Notice of Intention to refer a construction contract dispute to adjudication under UK law. Adjudication is a process of resolving disputes in the construction industry using a neutral third-party adjudicator.

The template lays out the necessary information required for this notice, including the details of the parties involved, specifics of the construction contract, and a clear statement of intention to initiate the adjudication process. It may also include the specific clause or provision in the construction contract that allows parties to refer disputes to adjudication.

Furthermore, the template might outline the next steps to be taken in the process, such as selecting an adjudicator and providing a timeframe for the resolution. It could also include references to the relevant statutory or contractual provisions governing the adjudication.

Overall, this legal template helps parties involved in a construction contract dispute to officially and formally notify the other party about their intention to seek resolution through the adjudication process in accordance with UK law.
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Refer a dispute

There are a number of reasons why someone might want to refer a dispute to adjudication. Firstly, adjudication is a relatively quick and cost-effective way to resolve a dispute. Secondly, it provides a binding decision which can be enforced through the courts if necessary. Finally, it can help to preserve the relationship between the parties by providing a mechanism for resolving the dispute without the need for litigation.