💼 Disciplinary procedure advice

About this category

A disciplinary procedure covers the steps that an employer should take when an employee has committed an act that could warrant discipline, up to and including termination. This usually includes an investigation of the incident, a meeting with the employee to discuss the allegations, and a determination of whether the employee should be disciplined.

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💼 Disciplinary procedure advice


Disciplinary Investigation and Hearing Advice To Employer

This legal template provides guidance and advice to employers in the UK regarding disciplinary investigations and hearings. It outlines the recommended steps and procedures to follow when initiating a disciplinary process, ensuring compliance with relevant UK employment laws and regulations. The template covers the key aspects involved in conducting a fair and thorough investigation, including gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and documenting findings. Additionally, it advises on the proper preparation and conduct of disciplinary hearings, ensuring that employees are provided with a fair opportunity to present their case. The template also includes information on potential disciplinary outcomes and how to appropriately deliver them, while also highlighting any legal considerations that employers should be aware of during the entire process. By using this template, employers can ensure that their disciplinary investigations and hearings are carried out in a legally compliant manner, minimizing the risk of potential disputes or claims arising from unfair treatment.
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Disciplinary Procedure Advice To Employee (Misconduct)

This legal template provides guidance and advice to employers on how to handle disciplinary procedures following an employee's misconduct under UK law. The template outlines the steps that employers should take to address the employee's inappropriate behavior, ensuring fair treatment and adhering to legal obligations. It may include information on investigating the misconduct, notifying the employee, conducting a disciplinary meeting, presenting evidence, allowing the employee to provide their defense, and potential outcomes such as warnings or termination of employment. Additionally, the template may provide advice on how to document the entire process appropriately, which may be crucial in the event of potential legal disputes. The purpose of this template is to assist employers in navigating the disciplinary procedure process effectively and in compliance with UK law.
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Advise on disciplinary procedure

There are many reasons why someone might want to advise on disciplinary procedure. One reason is to ensure that the disciplinary procedure is being followed correctly and is fair to both the employer and employee. Another reason is to help resolve any disputes that may arise during the disciplinary process. Finally, advising on disciplinary procedure can help to ensure that the employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities during the process.

Conduct disciplinary investigation

If an employee has been accused of misconduct, a disciplinary investigation may be conducted in order to determine whether the employee did indeed engage in misconduct and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken. A disciplinary investigation may also be conducted if an employee has been accused of breaching company policies.