💰 Deemed consent notice

About this category

A deemed consent notice is a legal notice that allows a person to be considered legally consenting to something if they do not explicitly state their dissent. This can be used in a variety of situations, such as when someone wants to be considered legally consenting to sex or when someone wants to be considered legally responsible for a child.

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💰 Deemed consent notice


Notice Seeking Deemed Consent (Corporate Insolvency Proceedings)

The "Notice Seeking Deemed Consent (Corporate Insolvency Proceedings)" legal template is related to UK law and specifically addresses matters concerning corporate insolvency proceedings. In the context of insolvency, this template could be utilized by an insolvency practitioner, administrator, or liquidator to notify relevant parties about the intention to seek "deemed consent" in regard to a specific action or decision within the insolvency process.

"Deemed consent" refers to a legal provision that allows an insolvency practitioner to proceed with a particular course of action without seeking explicit approval from all affected parties, as long as no objection is received within a specified time frame. In such cases, this notice serves as an official communication explaining the forthcoming action, the timeline for raising objections, and the implications of deemed consent being granted.

This template would typically outline the nature of the proposed action or decision, the reasons for seeking deemed consent, and any implications for creditors, shareholders, or other relevant parties. It may also provide details regarding the deadline for raising objections and the consequences of not objecting within the specified period.

This legal template aims to ensure compliance with UK insolvency laws and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to voice any objections or concerns they may have regarding the proposed action. By utilizing this official notice, the insolvency practitioner seeks to achieve clarity, transparency, and efficient decision-making within the framework of corporate insolvency proceedings.
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Notice of deemed consent

If someone is using a Deemed consent notice, it is likely because they want to obtain consent from another party for something that would typically require express consent. Deemed consent notices can be used for a variety of purposes, such as obtaining consent for the use of cookies on a website or for the processing of personal data.