⌨️ Data subject request

About this category

A data subject request is a formal request made by an individual to a company asking for confirmation that their personal data is being processed, where it is being processed, and for a copy of that personal data. The individual has a right to make this request under the General Data Protection Regulation.

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⌨️ Data subject request


GDPR Right to Restrict Processing Request Letter by Data Subject (UK & EU GDPR)

This legal template is a letter designed to assist data subjects in the UK and the European Union (EU) who wish to exercise their right to restrict the processing of their personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR grants individuals the right to control the processing of their personal information by data controllers.

This template is specifically tailored to align with the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom (UK) and the EU, ensuring its appropriateness and relevance within the respective legal frameworks. The letter is intended to be sent by a data subject to a data controller, such as a company or organization, who is responsible for collecting, storing, and processing personal data.

By using this template, the data subject can formally request the data controller to restrict the processing of their personal data for specific reasons pertaining to their situation. This may include situations where the data subject believes the information is inaccurate, the processing is unlawful, or they require the data to establish or defend legal claims.

The template includes sections to outline the relevant details about the data subject and the data controller, clearly state the purpose of the letter, specify the grounds for requesting restriction of processing, and include any supporting evidence or documentation. It also provides a suggested timeline for the data controller to respond and comply with the request.

This GDPR Right to Restrict Processing Request Letter template serves as a practical tool to enable data subjects to exercise their rights, in alignment with UK and EU data protection legislation, and navigate the complex legal aspects of data privacy and protection.
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Process data subject access request

When an individual makes a data subject access request, they are asking for a copy of their personal data that is held by an organization. The individual has the right to know what personal data is being held about them, why it is being held, and how it is being used. The organization must provide the individual with a copy of their personal data within one month of the request being made.