🖍️ Competition due diligence questionnaire

About this category

A competition due diligence questionnaire (CDDQ) is a document that is used to collect information about a company's competitive landscape. The questionnaire covers topics such as the company's competitive advantages, key competitors, and the competitive threats that the company faces. The CDDQ is an important tool that helps companies to identify and assess the risks that they may face in the marketplace.

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🖍️ Competition due diligence questionnaire


Competition Authority Example Questions For Acquisition Due Diligence

This legal template is designed to assist individuals or organizations conducting an acquisition due diligence process in the United Kingdom while ensuring compliance with relevant competition laws. It provides a set of example questions that can be used as a starting point for assessing the competitive landscape and potential competition law implications of an acquisition. These questions aim to help the acquiring party identify any potential anti-competitive concerns or issues that may arise during or after the acquisition process. By addressing these questions, the acquiring party can identify and mitigate any potential legal risks or challenges related to competition laws, ensuring compliance and smooth integration of the acquired business into their operations.
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Carry out due diligence

checklist 1. When acquiring a new business, due diligence is critical to ensure that the business is legitimate and does not have any hidden liabilities. 2. When entering into a new business relationship, due diligence can help identify potential risks and red flags. 3. When considering an investment, due diligence can help you assess the potential risks and rewards.

Conduct due diligence

1. Conducting due diligence can help ensure that a company is not engaging in anti-competitive behavior. 2. Due diligence can also help a company to ensure that it is complying with all relevant competition laws. 3. Finally, due diligence can help a company to avoid potential fines and other penalties that may be imposed for engaging in illegal activity.