How is Reasonable Price defined in a legal contract?
- Reasonable Price means a price that is suitable for the economic use of a property as suitable housing at affordable rents and prices set by a certain [entity]. This price is compliant with certain [regulations].
Seen in 2 SEC filings. - Reasonable Price means the price that someone is willing to pay for a good, material or service.
Seen in 2 SEC filings. - Reasonable Price means a price that includes a premium which is either in effect at the time of purchase or will come into effect in the future. This applies to the purchase of certain bonds. Any funds identified for the retirement of bonds will be transferred to the Redemption Account until they are used for bond retirement. Investment earnings on these amounts will be used to compute investment service.
Seen in 2 SEC filings. - Reasonable Price means a decision that is mutually agreed upon by a buyer and seller, reflecting market realities and the bargaining powers of the parties. This price provides the best total value considering availability, delivery time, fitness for purpose, payment terms, quality, quantity, and service. However, it can never be less than the price originally paid by the [Department].
Seen in 1 SEC filing. - Reasonable Price means the market standard price for goods or services of the same type at the time of defining the price
Seen in 1 SEC filing.
Note: The Genie AI Legal Assistant pulled this data out of the SEC EDGAR Database of 500,000 records from the past 22 years of filings. We regularly update this page as new filings and definitions come in.
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Reasonable Price
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What is the most popular definition of '
Reasonable Price
Reasonable Price means the economic worth agreed upon by parties, reflecting market realities and negotiation leverage.