How is Hospitality Services defined in a legal contract?
- Hospitality Services means services performed such as user reception, food and beverage provision, room services, sports activities, competitions, and any other services geared towards generating revenue from a project. Seen in 3 SEC filings.
- Hospitality Services means any services, products, and/or additional benefits provided as part of a hospitality package, including catering, reception, hostesses, and entertainment services. Seen in 2 SEC filings.
- Hospitality Services means services involving activities such as hotel cleaning or housekeeping, laundry, hotel desk clerk, or hotel porter roles. Seen in 2 SEC filings.
- Hospitality Services means services to be provided by a service provider subject to the terms of an agreement. These services may include items such as tickets, and access to a selected facility. Seen in 2 SEC filings.
- Hospitality Services means those services provided to clients or guests in conducting your business, such as a hotel, motel, inn, resort, restaurant, golf club, sports club, country club, fitness club, health spa, beauty salon, caterer or food service provider, conference center or convention center. Seen in 1 SEC filing.
- Hospitality Services means those services that are provided for customers in conducting a business, such as a hotel, motel, restaurant or another operation. Seen in 1 SEC filing.
Note: The Genie AI Legal Assistant pulled this data out of the SEC EDGAR Database of 500,000 records from the past 22 years of filings. We regularly update this page as new filings and definitions come in.
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Hospitality Services
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What is the most popular definition of '
Hospitality Services
Hospitality Services means services provided to customers linked to accommodation, food, drink, entertainment, sports activities, and other client-facing roles.