

The meaning of “


” differs based on where it is used. We list many below, then combine them into one or more market-standard definitions.

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🤔 Our AI Legal Assistant has combined and improved the above descriptions to create market-standard 'Genie definitions' below, with guidance on which documents and which industry to use for each.

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" in your document?

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What is the most popular definition of '



the Company and its Subsidiary Undertaking(s) (if any) from time to time and "Group Company" shall be construed accordingly;

Model Articles of Association (BVCA)

The Model Articles of Association (BVCA) under UK law is a legal template that outlines and governs the internal workings and regulations of a private limited company in the United Kingdom. The template is specifically designed and recommended by the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA).

This document provides a comprehensive framework for the structure, operation, and management of a company, ensuring compliance with UK company law and industry standards. It covers various aspects, including the division and rights of shares, appointment and powers of directors, issuance of dividends, decision-making processes, and procedures for meetings.

The Model Articles of Association aim to facilitate effective corporate governance, protect the interests of shareholders, and provide a clear set of guidelines for directors and officers to follow. This legal template serves as a starting point for private limited companies, offering a flexible and adaptable framework that can be customized to suit specific needs and requirements.

By adopting the Model Articles of Association, companies can benefit from the expertise and experience of the BVCA, which represents the private equity and venture capital industry in the UK. The template ensures consistency and familiarity with commonly accepted practices, enabling companies to establish a strong foundation for their operations and enhance investor confidence.

It is important to note that while the Model Articles of Association provide a reliable template, companies should always seek legal advice to ensure compliance with applicable laws and appropriate customization according to specific circumstances.
Contract template sketch
Use this definition

The 2nd most popular definition of '


' is:

the Company and its Group Companys;

Advisory Agreement

An Advisory Agreement under UK law is a legally binding contract commonly used between a company or individual seeking guidance, expertise, or advice (the "Client") and a professional advisor or consultancy (the "Advisor"). This template governs the terms and conditions of the advisory relationship, outlining the nature of the advice to be provided, the scope of services, payment terms, confidentiality obligations, and other important provisions.

The agreement typically starts by defining the roles and responsibilities of both parties, specifying the specific subject matter or industry in which advisory services will be rendered. It further lays out the duration of the agreement, whether it is a one-time consultation or an ongoing advisory relationship, and any termination provisions.

The scope of services section specifies the type and extent of advice to be provided, including the methods, resources, and timeframes necessary for the Advisor to complete their role effectively. It may outline the expected deliverables, milestones, or meetings to be scheduled throughout the engagement.

In terms of payment, the agreement generally stipulates the compensation structure, such as fixed fees, hourly rates, or retainer arrangements. It may also include reimbursement provisions for any reasonable expenses incurred by the Advisor during the engagement. The payment terms, including due dates and invoicing procedures, are usually detailed to ensure clarity and smooth financial transactions.

To protect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the advisory engagement, the agreement commonly includes robust confidentiality provisions. These provisions govern the handling, protection, and non-disclosure of confidential information exchanged between the parties, preserving the integrity and commercial value of such information.

Other notable clauses may include provisions related to intellectual property rights, dispute resolution mechanisms, jurisdiction, and any additional terms or conditions agreed upon by both parties.

Overall, an Advisory Agreement under UK law aims to establish a clear and comprehensive framework for the advisory relationship while legally safeguarding the rights and interests of both the Client and the Advisor.
Contract template sketch
See templates using this definition

The 3rd most popular definition of '


' is:

The 4th most popular definition of '


' is:

The 5th most popular definition of '


' is:

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