
At rest

The meaning of “

At rest

” differs based on where it is used. We list many below, then combine them into one or more market-standard definitions.

Which definition should you use?

🤔 Our AI Legal Assistant has combined and improved the above descriptions to create market-standard 'Genie definitions' below, with guidance on which documents and which industry to use for each.

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At rest

" in your document?

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What is the most popular definition of '

At rest


when the data is stored for later use, for instance on a disk or in a database in the cloud. In both situations security is important.

Cryptographic Controls Policy

The Cryptographic Controls Policy under UK law is a legal template that outlines the guidelines and requirements for implementing cryptographic controls within an organization operating in the United Kingdom. Cryptographic controls refer to the use of cryptographic techniques, such as encryption, decryption, and key management, to protect sensitive information and ensure its integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

This policy template is designed to ensure compliance with the relevant UK laws, regulations, and industry standards related to cryptographic controls, such as the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the EU Cybersecurity Act. It defines the roles and responsibilities of involved parties, including the organization's management, employees, and IT department.

The policy template typically includes sections on the permitted cryptographic algorithms and key lengths to be used, the secure generation and storage of cryptographic keys, the protection of cryptographic modules and devices, and the management of cryptographic-related incidents or breaches. It may also cover topics like secure network communications, secure email usage, digital signatures, and secure data storage.

By following the Cryptographic Controls Policy, organizations can ensure that their cryptographic controls are implemented effectively, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, or illegal activities involving cryptographic operations. Furthermore, adherence to this policy demonstrates compliance with legal requirements and industry best practices, enhancing the organization's reputation and ensuring the protection of sensitive information.
Contract template sketch
Use this definition

The 2nd most popular definition of '

At rest

' is:

The 3rd most popular definition of '

At rest

' is:

The 4th most popular definition of '

At rest

' is:

The 5th most popular definition of '

At rest

' is:

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