Please note, all specific organizational and legislative details have been obfuscated to preserve the relevance and adaptability of the definitions globally.
Note: The Genie AI Legal Assistant pulled this data out of the SEC EDGAR Database of 500,000 records from the past 22 years of filings. We regularly update this page as new filings and definitions come in.
Search EDGAR for 'Definitions of adult massage parlor' yourself to verify these results. We are always keen to point people to source documents.
🤔 Our AI Legal Assistant has combined and improved the above descriptions to create market-standard 'Genie definitions' below, with guidance on which documents and which industry to use for each.
Adult massage parlor means a commercial establishment offering massage and body therapy services, optionally containing sleeping accommodations, permitting certain sexual activities under [Governing Law].
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Adult massage parlor
" in your document?
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Adult massage parlor means a commercial establishment offering massage and body therapy services, optionally containing sleeping accommodations, permitting certain sexual activities under [Governing Law]
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