
A rating

The meaning of “

A rating

” differs based on where it is used. We list many below, then combine them into one or more market-standard definitions.

How is ""A rating"" defined in a legal contract?

  • A rating means a mark no lower than an “A” given by a recognized bond rating service or similar measure by a major and reliable corporate rating service acceptable to the transmission administrator. Seen in 3 SEC filings
  • A rating means an applicant has been assigned a credit rating of A1, A2, or A3 by Moody’s or A+, A, or A- by Standard & Poor’s. Seen in 3 SEC filings
  • A rating means the procedure an underwriter uses for classifying and scoring any risk which presents unique or unusual conditions, exposures, or hazards, for which the underwriter feels a commercial lines manual classification or rate is not appropriate. Seen in 2 SEC filings
  • A rating means a special risk rating underwriting procedure used for classifying and scoring any risk that presents a unique or unusual condition, exposure, or hazard for which the underwriter feels a commercial lines manual classification or rate is not appropriate. Seen in 2 SEC filings
  • A rating means a score given by A.M Best Company to financial institutions to measure their financial strengths, or any other substitute for the rating of A agreed upon by both parties in the contract. Seen in 1 SEC filing

Note: The Genie AI Legal Assistant pulled this data out of the SEC EDGAR Database of 500,000 records from the past 22 years of filings. We regularly update this page as new filings and definitions come in.

Search EDGAR for 'Definitions of a rating' yourself to verify these results. We are always keen to point people to source documents.

Which definition should you use?

🤔 Our AI Legal Assistant has combined and improved the above descriptions to create market-standard 'Genie definitions' below, with guidance on which documents and which industry to use for each.

Genie Definition 1

  • A rating means a score, no lower than ""A"", given by a recognized [rating agency] to determine financial trustworthiness.

Relevant Contract Type

Relevant Circumstances

  • Evaluating a lender's risk before issuing a loan
  • Determining the interest rate for a bond or loan
  • Evaluating the financial health of a company before investment
  • Assessing creditworthiness for leasing contracts

Relevant Sectors

Genie Definition 2

  • A rating means a process used by underwriters to classify and score any risk with unique or unusual conditions.

Relevant Contract Type

Relevant Circumstances

  • Assessing risk for underwriting insurance policies
  • Sorting unique or unusual risk for reinsurance purposes
  • Evaluating risk levels for risk management procedures

Relevant Sectors

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A rating

" in your document?

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What is the most popular definition of '

A rating


A rating means a score, no lower than "A", given by a recognized [rating agency] to determine financial trustworthiness

The 2nd most popular definition of '

A rating

' is:

The 3rd most popular definition of '

A rating

' is:

The 4th most popular definition of '

A rating

' is:

The 5th most popular definition of '

A rating

' is:

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